
All frontend customization done inside components/WebLinks.js. If you want to update and add new section just look this file and update according to your need.

Add New Section

  • Add new section with specific type in Linkdata.js. Then copy LinkSection Code to create new section in WebLinks.js file. Make sure to create get data of that section as well.

Add Discord Status

.set YourCode YourName
  • Example:
.set 6666 agcrisbp
  • The bot will give you a link, copy and paste the link into:
pages/api/online.ts (Line 7)
const response = await fetch(
  ).then((res) => res.json());
  • Set online: false, in data/BioData.js to hide this option.

Add Spotify Status


ADLink APi is temporarily disabled due to limited usage and is currently under development.

Or you can create your own Spotify APi: Read Documentation (opens in a new tab).

  • Copy and paste the URL to:
spotifyUrl: 'FIRST_URL',
spotifyImg: 'SECOND_URL',

The APi only store Access Token, Refresh Token, and Token Expired Timestamp.

  • Same as Discord Status, set spotify: false, in data/BioData.js to hide this option.